About AgriLand

Agriland is Ireland’s largest agricultural news publisher. Founded in 2012 we were the first daily farming news publication and the first digital only news publisher. Today we are the go to source for all the latest farming news, technical information and information required to run a successful farming business in Ireland. 

With in excess of 60,000 readers daily, 300,000 weekly or 700,000 monthly we have built the largest ever active audience in the agricultural sector in Ireland. Our news app remains the most downloaded farming app in the country. 

Our highly skilled and experienced team of news and technical journalists keep our readers updated with all the latest news and information from Ireland, Europe and beyond. 

With a highly engaged audience and an innovative approach to news and content delivery and creation across editorial, video and audio we continue to set new standards in journalism and publishing.

Agriland Media makes up 6 highly successful Irish online platforms

Our platforms include